The Catholic Thing: Feminism's Unexpected Cure


By Carrie Gress

Five decades ago, radical feminist Kate Millett and her eleven friends in New York City recited a type of litany, a feminist manifesto of sorts, as described by her sister Mallory Millett, that has proven to be remarkably effective: “Why are we here today?” the chairwoman asked.

“To make revolution,” they answered.

“What kind of revolution?” “

The Cultural Revolution.”

“And how do we make Cultural Revolution?”

“By destroying the American family!”

“How do we destroy the family?”

“By destroying the American Patriarch.”

“And how do we destroy the American Patriarch?”

“By taking away his power!” “How do we do that?” “By destroying monogamy!” “How can we destroy monogamy?” “By promoting promiscuity, eroticism, prostitution, abortion, and homosexuality!” I’ve always been struck by the last line. Did those 12 women ever dream that their tiny effort would be so wildly successful? We witness their success daily, from half-time shows to celebrities insisting their careers and awards are more important than their children, from royal tantrums even to the tragic gender confusion foisted upon children.

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Posted on March 11, 2020 .